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Appcastr - Editors - 1126 KB - Development - Alex Jackson

► v 0.1.1 Appcastr

Appcastr is a simple utility for Mac developers who publish updates using the Sparkle update system (or any other update system that uses Appcasting to publish updates). Appcastr provides a GUI interface for creating and editing appcast files that is slightly easier & quicker than just editing the raw XML file. Appcastr is currently in the early stages of development and is targeted towards making appcast files for the Sparkle update system. Currently, Appcastr features:
- The ability to create new appcast files and edit existing appcast files
- The ability to set the build number, version number, title, download link, size, signature, release notes link and publication date of an update
- Fancy Mac OS X Lion features like autosave and versions, which are probably not that important but they're there if you need them

to 10.13.5 zLYCVF_Appcastr_version_0.1.2.pkg {1227 kbytes}

Best! version APPCASTR-VER.-0.1.5-HRX.APP {945 kbytes}

Recomended Sierra {1249 kbytes}

Recomended to 10.12 V-0.1.4-APPCASTR-0YMBJB.APP {1227 kbytes}

Recomended to iMac zuP.version.2.1.1.Appcastr.dmg {957 kbytes}

Updated iMac {1351 kbytes}

to 10.12.5 VER.0.2.1.APPCASTR.IY1XSG.PKG {1069 kbytes}

Alex Jackson

New! version VERS_3.3.0_R1.2_PORTABLE_LIBREOFFICE_N2YL.DMG [146964 KB] 3.3.0 r1.4

10.12.4 1.5-Innecto-3Bur.pkg [26281 KB] 3.2
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