2019 final version where download Brighter-Screen v 1.6

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Brilliant Why

✅ version 1.6 brighter-screen

Brighter-Screen improves brightness control more than Apple's way. Traditionally, the iMac product line have a dark gamma value less than Windows or TV. This application can adjust brightness easily dim or bright.
I recommend you use Brighter-Screen Lite if you don't have a big-screen Mac and don't use your Mac for watching movie often.
- Maximum brightness 105%
- Minimum brightness 10%
- Movie mode (same as photoshop shadow effect and useful when you watching high quality movie on fullscreen) Tip 1. Default short keys
- More F2 (or Fn + F2)
- Less F1 (or Fn + F1)(These are 2 times faster than apple's buttons.)
Tip 2. Sleep Display
- Display sleeps below 10% brightness level to save energy automatically.

Featured iMac Pro 4wxj_brighter-screen_3.6.tar.gz

on OS X Brighter-Screen_v_1.7_2NZuYE.dmg

Featured! version CV4Y-vers.1.10-Brighter-Screen.dmg

Featured! version dG1-v-1.8-Brighter-Screen.app

Brilliant Why
Official: http://brillantwhy.blogspot.com/

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